HTTP Sorta Awe-tistic: Missing

Friday, August 18, 2006


1. wedding ring
2. first set of car keys--with remote clicker
3. spare set of car keys--with Randy's remote clicker
4. two sets of blood test results for Tesla

We are hunting high and low. Tesla might be able to help us, as we know she is implicated in the loss of at least the wedding ring, but retaining memory about the placement of things in space and time is not her strength. (That's an understatement, folks.)

So if you see visions of lost things, or pray about such, please help us!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today would be a good day to be Catholic. You could ask the patron saint of lost things to pray for you.

Poor Protestant you. :O)

I'll pray for you. I may not have the pull with God St. Anthony has, but I'll throw my two cents in.

BTW. I'm a loser for more reasons than my weight loss goals.

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you find them?

4:17 PM  

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