HTTP Sorta Awe-tistic: I'm back.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I'm back.

Gotta new blog. This one's all about books. Just books.

Here's what happened.

Before I left The Furnace State, I'd sent off for a book to preview and had signed up with a fiction blog ring for the sole purpose of doing some industry (CBA industry) research. No problem. A book here, a book there, and I'm getting a better picture of the CBA world.

Seven books arrived while I was gone. My husband is amused, and grateful. He thinks this means I'll spend less at the local Barnes and Noble now. Ha.

So I will keep my promise to talk about books soon, I just won't do it here. It's time I got back to my original intent for this blog--to talk about the life in "Schmolland" and my crazy self. Perhaps I won't post as often here, but just think of it this way: now you can have two of me! (I can hear the rapturous applause from here...)

For book talk and book reviews, try Intertextual Me.
For autism/mommy/crazy talk, stay here.

And yes, it's still hotter than the sun here. 104. Yipes.


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