HTTP Sorta Awe-tistic: Back off, or Mommy's gonna blow!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Back off, or Mommy's gonna blow!

Around here, we've been talking a lot about what makes us tick.

Changes are coming (and not just with the weather), and inevitably change invites new conversations about old subjects: why do I always make these choices? how did end up in this situation? why do I always believe that about myself? I thought I'd gotten past that...

With T back in school (even if it's for only a couple of hours), I'm over-ready to get back into the writing groove, and I'm finding that any little set-back or distraction from that goal frustrates me to the point of snapping. I gotta chill.

Today T is home. She flipped when I told her we were going to preschool. Don't know what's going on, but she's usually happy to go once we get there, even if she does grumble a little on the way. But this morning we went up to Barnes and Noble to look at all the "colorful books" and she got mighty mad when we couldn't bring home a book about an orchestra dog. (We're deeply back into musical instruments right now.) Her attitude regressed from bad to worse by the time we got home for lunch, and then dived directly into a black pit of brattiness after that. So...

Note to self: make home so boring in the morning that she's desperate to go to school...(only partly kidding, there, folks).

This too shall pass, I know. But raising a child--or children--who is possibly more extrovert than introvert is hard on us introverted parents. Maybe I should have T read Caring for Your Introvert, as essential reading. We could make a social story out of it. Hm....


Blogger shanna said...

No really. That made sense.


8:39 PM  

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