HTTP Sorta Awe-tistic: spinning around, one foot nailed to the floor

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

spinning around, one foot nailed to the floor

I'm always like this while I'm waiting for something I know is coming my way. I flip and flop and can't seem to settle into a particular routine. I can't get productive. Maybe I've been thrown by the change in my routine. Last weekend was so strange. I was gone at crazy hours, we didn't go to church (gasp! I know...), we didn't eat together. I was exhausted, strung out on caffeine and antihistimines, and my feet screamed at me for three days. Sometime soon I expect I'll get my 'retail legs' back and we will become accustomed to this new routine, but until then I'll continue to feel as if I'm between places, lost somewhere between here and there, spinning round and round...there I I go...there I I go...

Maybe if I'm concrete about it, I'll feel like I'm actually doing something. Let's begin with a list, shall we? Here's what I did in the last 24 hours:
  1. watched a little Battlestar Galactica to catch up on the last season
  2. cooked/washed/put up (always)
  3. laundry (catching up from my Lost Weekend)
  4. did a panicked and dirty housecleaning after Randy tells me assessor will visit the house in three hours(!)
  5. took old career clothes to consignment store (who am I kidding? I haven't been a size 10 in five years, and I'm not going to return to teaching soon) This eliminated about 50lbs of clothing I've continued to haul out of storage with the ridiculous hope that I'll drop 20lbs and become stylish again.
  6. bought a goody for a friend
  7. read all my regular blogs...and then some.
  8. posted about five blogs entries
  9. found my sage and citrus candle, and the candle warmer
  10. let my daughter decimate my sticker stock so she could decorate the ba-hooey out of my wall calendar
  11. decided that Franklin Covey is not going to get my money this year and that I need a different planner next year
  12. decided that the new Gymboree line is far too boring to invest one penny into
  13. decided that my life is superficial and boring and self-involved
  14. decided that I am superficial and boring and self-involved
  15. visited Hobby Lobby to complete Randy's Christmas gift
  16. slowly, slowly stitched together some more squares for T's quilt
  17. oh...and did a little bible study. I'm on day 3; I'm supposed to have day 6 done today.
Guess I better go, huh?


Blogger J. Mark Bertrand said...

Okay, I'm a planner addict, and I couldn't agree more with your decision to dump Franklin Covey. Two options: First, you could take the old school route and get a Filofax. This is the one that started it all, and I think it's still the best. Or there's the ultra-trendy route, the new Moleskine planners. I picked up the new 2006/07 hybrid one with soft cover back in July and I love it. For $10 you can't go wrong.

9:04 AM  
Blogger Amy A. said...

Being a list person, I loved your list!

My planner situation is a big graph on the fridge. Any other kind of planner is used for January and part of Feb. and then the rest of the year is blank. If you want to buy some March-Dec. books, I can sell 'em to you cheap!

Of course, that never stops me from buying another one in the new year.

9:35 AM  
Blogger shanna said...

Thanks for the advice. I need it because I always get hung up on the possibilites of neatly catagorizing my life. I'm attracted to those roll-top desks with all the little pidgeon hole cubbies, but who am I kidding? Those things look nice, but their organizing principle is better suited to the 19th century mind and not mine. Similarly most organizers are just impractical, cumbersome and fussy for my simple life. And yet I want something cool. I bought into Franklin Covey just because I wanted the New Yorker Cartoons edition. It's been fun, but it wasn't $40 worth of fun.

So after much thought, here's what I decided. If I traveled more often I'd probably go for the filofax. As I do not, and as I already carry a cool little unlined Moleskein journel in my purse, I think I'm opting for the Moleskein datebook. You're right, Mark. If I hate it, I've only blown a tenner.

Whew! There one life decision off my plate.

11:56 AM  

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