HTTP Sorta Awe-tistic: Blessing

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


"Thank you, God, for Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom, and nature, and Daddy and Mommy and Tesla. The en--Amen."


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm a Kindergarten teacher and the kids love Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Last year we did an art activity that you may be interested in doing with your kid. We cut out brown construction paper to make tree trunks and pasted that onto a larger paper, then we dipped our hands in green paint and made the leaves of the tree with our hand prints. Then we took Alpha-bits cereal and pasted them onto the tree to make out own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees. It was even more fun and challenging for the brighter kids because they had to spell things out and find the right letters before pasting them on the tree (i.e. their name, the title of the book, etc.) Just thought you might wanna try it!

3:19 PM  

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