HTTP Sorta Awe-tistic: Material Comforts #1 and #2

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Material Comforts #1 and #2

Gelato. Before I tried gelato, Ben and Jerry's SuperFudge Chunk was a close to ice cream heaven as I got. But gelato takes me thiiiiiis much closer to a divine encounter.

Had chocolate today. Ate it with a couple of dear girl friends I don't see often anymore. It was lovely. They were lovely. We nibbled away our tiny cups of heaven with our bitty pink spoons, and when we finished, we declared that it was 'good.'

The funny little girl behind the counter tried to convince us that there was no dairy in gelato. Huh? No dairy in chocolate gelato? I don't think so. (But, according to Wikipedia, this may be true with some fruit flavors.)

So often I've heard or over-heard employees/waiters/'help' earnestly and insistently tell me or someone else something that's patently false. Or at the very least, a misinformed half-truth, like the gelato claim. I think folks feel they can say whatever they want, and who's to contradict them? Certainly not me. I'm a mouse, really. But my sweet friend, with her supersweet girly voice spoke up: "I can't believe there's no dairy in there. No dairy in chocolate?!" She's the best, my supersweet friend. Why could I not have said as much? Because if I'd have said it the way I was thinking it, my thought would have snapped out of my mouth and bit the little girl on the nose. So I keep my mouth closed and no one gets hurt.

Material Comfort #1: gelato.
Material Comfort #2: an honest girl friend who speaks as if she possesses all innocence.

What was your material comfort of the day?


Blogger Amy A. said...

Finished a book.
Ate lunch with friends.
Didn't do any housework. (Which I am paying for today.)

Never had gelato. I'll have to search it out.

Glad you had a nice day!

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eHey Shanna, if you're talking about me, i was totally buying it. It really hadn't occured to me that it wasn't true. I was just amazed that something so creamy didn't have dairy in it. I was just going to chalk it up to things i just can't understand, like how t.v.s', phones, and computers work.

12:19 PM  
Blogger shanna said...

LOL! Sometimes naivete is the best defense. So glad you said it, though!


12:25 PM  

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