HTTP Sorta Awe-tistic: Book Fair!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Book Fair!

Oh, how I love the book fair!

When I was in second grade I won an art contest for the book fair and got to pick out one book, free, as a prize. Man, I thought that was just the bestest. Of course I chose a Little House book, the one that wasn't in that heavy cardboard series box. I don't think I ever read that book, but man was I happy to have won the contest. Finally I was good at something I felt was cool.

Tesla and I visted the book fair this week. She was less interested in it than the opportunity to crawl all over a tri-level carpeted club house creation in the middle of the library. Hey, she's four. What four year old wouldn't?

We brought home this cool catch:

I recommend it. Haven't gotten to the KateWinslet/Wierd Al Yankovic collaboration because we keep going back to Blues Traveler's "Dog Train," but we'll get there eventually. The Steve Lawrence/Edie Gourmet song "Boring" is a treat, too. If you don't know who these folks are, maybe ask your folks...or your folks' folks.

The other popular book title is currently The Little Pea. We read this about four times a day. Maybe more.

Little Pea has to eat candy for dinner every day of the week, and he HATES it! But for being a good boy and eating five pieces, he gets his favorite dessert: SPINACH! "Yum. Yum. Extra Yum!" Great illustrations and very fun. Tesla loves to act out Little Pea.

What four year old wouldn't?


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